Try it Tuesday – Lentil Sprouts

I have decided to grow my own lentil sprouts after seeing a pin on Pinterest. I will have to do a follow up since it’s a many step, many day process. You can find the directions that I found through Pinterest at Honest Fare. However, I’ve started my lentils soaking.

Soaking Lentils

Soaking Lentils

I just bought some from the grocery store and made sure that they weren’t split (the ones I had on hand were split). I wish I had gone to the organic section though… but since this is my first time doing it, these will work. I will be more conscious of the lentils I buy next time I do this (I’m hoping this works for me – I’m a little excited about having sprouts on my salads and in my sandwiches).

I also bought cheese cloth (found in the kitchen section). I have many mason jars on hand. I like to pick them up at the thrift stores when I see them. Did you know that at Goodwill (at least the one near me in Everett, WA) sells mason jars for just .20 each! Granted, they don’t normally have lids. But you can buy those for a few dollars at the grocery store.

I like to use mason jars for holding things like my knitting needles, crochet hooks, paint brushes, scissors, etc. Since they come in lots of sizes, I have found them to be very versatile.

Monday Inspiration – Hexagons!

I’m back on track. Was a little distracted last week in preparation for turning 40 (I went to meetĀ  a friend). But I have been planning what I was going to do on Monday (my actual birthday) – something fun and new. Yep, 40 has brought me to the point where I find making hexagons new and a little bit exciting.

My inspiration has come from several places. First, it came from a friend (a tiny house) who makes them all the time and shares pictures of them on FB. I am always jealous. Then I saw a tutorial on Pinterest on how easy it can be (I was always intimidated).

So I started searching for a hexagon template. I finally settled on someĀ  I found on Etsy at Deep Blue Templates. Added bonus, the packaging says they are in Woodinville, WA which is very local for me. I haven’t sewn it together yet (I’m excited about just cutting them right now), but the templates work great. I highly recommend them. A bargain in my opinion.

Rotary cut hexagons

Rotary cut hexagons

I think I will probably spend a good portion of my day going through scraps and cutting hexagons. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of cotton scraps. Maybe I will have to experiment with other materials. Happy Birthday to me!


De-Icing Windows

Okay, so it’s Tuesday and I’m going to try something that I’ve pinned on my Pinterest board each Tuesday… or at least I’ll share it on Tuesday.

Today I had to go out to run errands. Of course, I live in the Pacific Northwest… and it’s winter… and we have moist air. So my windows/entire car was iced over. Then I remembered that I pinned something last week that was supposed to de-ice the window (Ice Proof your car).

It just required a mixture of vinegar and water. So I made it, put it in a spray bottle and headed outside in the freezing cold. Turned my car on with the defrosters full blast and started spraying my windshield with the solution. I’m glad I didn’t do the whole car right away. I waited as patiently as I could in the freezing cold… probably about a minute. Then turned the wipers on to see if it melted the ice. Guess what! NOPE! It was still solid ice, so I grabbed my ice scrapper and finished the job. Not only that, there is a center spot in my window that I can’t reach with the ice scrapper (I guess I’m short and I have short arms)… so I just sprayed it with the solution again thinking maybe it needed more time to work. The wipers couldn’t clear that spot until I was half way to my destination.

I would say that this Pinterest pin was a FAIL. Not only that, I feel like I’ve been punked because now my car smells like vinegar. Although, it may have actually cleaned my window a bit… so that’s a plus. Of course, it’s winter… so a clean window will last only a few hours.